Compromise Conflict Style: At A Glance

Compromise Conflict Style

The compromise conflict style allows the parties to find a way to resolve conflicts adequately and move forward. Dealing with conflict is a part of daily life for everyone. Conflict arises in the home, workplace, or social settings in even the most healthy relationships. Maintaining harmony can be difficult when multiple parties work together on …

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Average Settlement Offers During Mediation

Average settlement offers during mediation

Average settlement offers during mediation are essential when a party considers using mediation to settle a lawsuit. Combining this knowledge with other tips and tricks for settling a lawsuit through mediation can ensure that a party is prepared to tackle a mediation during a civil lawsuit and achieve the best possible outcome. Having a researched …

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Learn How to Manage Inward Emotional Turbulence

Inward Emotional Turbulence

While occasional periods of emotional distress can be expected, if you are consistently feeling like your intense emotions are out of control, you may be dealing with crippling emotional turbulence. Recognizing that your emotional landscape needs to be regulated to help you reach inner peace is the first step in creating emotional awareness and treating …

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What is Business Litigation?

business litigation

Business litigation involves presenting issues with business and corporate entities to the courts and arguing on behalf of business entities in court. A variety of topics may be the subject of business litigation, and many business litigation lawyers are experts in one of these areas. These litigation disputes can be incredibly complex and take time …

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What is Conflict Coaching? A Detailed Guide

Conflict Coaching

When an individual is facing a conflict and struggling to deal with it, conflict coaching may be an excellent opportunity to learn about conflict resolution and master skills to make resolving the conflict a more ascertainable goal. Conflict coaching is a one-on-one experience where a professional works with an individual to help them manage and …

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Guilt Vs. Shame: Understanding the Differences

Guilt vs Shame

We must realize each emotion separately to understand the subtle nuances between guilt vs. shame. Guilt and shame are powerful negative emotions that profoundly influence our thoughts, behaviors, and overall mental well-being. While these emotions are often used interchangeably, they have distinct characteristics and effects. For instance, guilt doesn’t often lead to the low self-esteem …

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25 Innovative Employee Engagement Ideas

Employee Engagement

Are you looking for employee engagement ideas? Do you want to keep your team inspired, motivated, and connected? Let’s explore innovative employee engagement ideas that directly address their needs while fueling your company’s success. This article delivers practical steps to enhance employee engagement, driving productivity and loyalty without overwhelming you with complexity. Key Takeaways Highly …

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What is a Contingent Contract? The Pros & Cons

What is a Contingent Contract?

A contingent contract may sound like an oxymoron, as the finality of contracts is often emphasized. Still, the flexibility of negotiating contingent agreements can help keep a contract intact, even if the parties’ position changes. Negotiating the terms of a contract can be difficult, and when the parties cannot reach an agreement because of something …

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