Real Estate Arbitration: A Quick Guide

Real Estate Arbitration

How to prepare for a real estate arbitration? When problems arise in buying or selling real estate, many participants have started to turn to real estate arbitration and mediation.  Buying and selling real estate is a big decision, whether it is a family home or a giant corporate center.  Negotiating and agreeing on a price …

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What is Negotiation? The Fundamentals

what is negotiation

What is negotiation? For many of us, our first thoughts go to a salary or hostage negotiation scenario. But all of us engage in the negotiation process far more often than we realize. Negotiation, in simple terms, is a dialogue between two or more parties with competing interests that are trying to reach an agreement.  …

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The Implications of the Contract Clause: Protecting the Right to Private Contracts

Contract Clause

The right to create and hold a contract clause has been enumerated in the United States Constitution since the beginning. Contained in Article 1, Section 10, the clause known as the contract clause has become one of the constitutional provisions that seem minor but have had a more significant impact on the jurisprudence of the …

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What is the Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service (FMCS)?

FMCS New Mediator Class of 2019

The Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service (FMCS) is the nation’s largest independent public agency for alternative dispute resolution (ADR) and conflict management, providing mediation and conflict resolution services in the private, public, and federal sectors.

AAA Employment Arbitration Rules: An Overview

AAA Employment Arbitration Rules

AAA Employment arbitration rules and mediation have been a hot topic for decades regarding the enforceability and fairness of the pre-dispute arbitration clauses in the employment context. The issue is of huge practical importance because, depending on which study one believes, between twenty and forty percent of American workers are covered by such “mandatory” clauses. …

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Defining Partiality: Recognize it When You See it

Defining Partiality

How can we truly go about defining partiality? Partiality is the unfair bias that we display for ourselves and other people with whom we stand in some personal relationships. It still remains a central theme in philosophy, as well as in practice, particularly the legal practice. Within the alternative dispute resolution sphere, the word partiality, …

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What is Mediation? Understanding the ADR Process

What is mediation

What is mediation? Mediation is an alternative dispute resolution process that uses a trained, neutral third party to assist two conflicting parties into mutually acceptable solutions. Mediation has become a popular option for resolving disputes. It helps take the disputing parties outside of court proceedings and into a space to focus on finding a mutually …

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De-Escalation Techniques for Client and Customer Retention

De-Escalation Techniques

It is essential to develop de-escalation strategies to help de-escalate a situation that may arise. No matter which profession you are a part of, you have likely come face-to-face with a customer’s complaint at some point. For many people, the first reaction when a person challenges their expertise or advice is to double down and …

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Types of Mediation: Evaluative, Facilitative, and Transformative

Types of Mediation

Understanding the types of mediation is a vital skill when preparing for and participating in mediation.  Knowing how the mediator is operating and what skills they are using is important for the parties and their counsel to work best with the mediator and still emphasize what is an important consideration for them.  It is also …

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How Much Does Arbitration Cost?

How much does arbitration cost?

How much does arbitration cost? Beginning in the latter part of the 20th century, Americans sought relief from costly and time-consuming litigation, with Fortune 1000 companies leading the way. Civil litigation was a rich person’s game that even rich people didn’t want to play. In response, Fortune 1000 companies increased the use of alternative dispute …

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