Winning in California Mandatory Attorney-Client Fee Arbitration

According to a study by Steele and Nimmer, the top two concerns that clients have about their attorneys are that fees are too high, and that performance is delayed.  Perhaps because of this, the California Legislature passed laws in 1978 requiring that the State Bar establish a fee arbitration program. It may also establish a …

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Class Action Waivers Explained

Class Action Waivers

With the rise of arbitration as a way to resolve many consumer and employment disputes in somewhat recent history, it has become more common for companies to begin including class action waivers in their consumer and employment contracts. For example, the Microsoft Advertising Agreement includes a section labeled “Arbitration Agreement and Class Action Waiver.” This …

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Can Arbitration be Appealed?

Can Arbitration Be Appealed

A common question that a person considering arbitration will ask is whether the arbitration decision, called an award, may be appealed.  Critics of arbitration will often discuss the heavily limited scope of review of arbitral awards and state that this is a severe disadvantage to arbitration given that people surrender the control of their dispute …

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The Arbitrability of Intellectual Property Disputes

Arbitration Faces Challenges On Two Fronts

By Greg Wood Arbitration offers many advantages in addressing and resolving disputes, specifically intellectual property disputes. Among these advantages are: party control (the parties retain control of the process and issues to be decided to a greater degree than if the matter was submitted to the courts), certainty of forum (the risks of inconsistent results …

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How to Fire an Employee without Getting Sued

Fire an Employee - ADR Times

By Eric M. Epstein, Esq. I’ve practiced employment law for more than 35 years, representing both employees and employers. I‘ve also been selected as an Arbitrator in more than 50 employment arbitrations. As a result of this experience, I have come to recognize common factors that often precipitate wrongful termination cases.  While there’s no way …

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Med-Arb for Your Business Dispute

Med-Arb for Your Business Dispute

By Scott C. Van Soye In 1998, Professor Thomas J. Stipanowich, then of the University of Kentucky, was asked to chart the future of arbitration in the 21st Century.  He suggested then that arbitrators would increasingly be asked to “wear more than one hat.” That is, he predicted the growth of hybrid forms of dispute resolution …

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UNCITRAL Arbitration Rules

The UNCITRAL Arbitration Rules are a set of procedural rules that govern the process of arbitration and the international resolution of commercial disputes.  These rules may be used both in proceedings administered by UNCITRAL or by parties and arbitrators who have chosen to use them.  They provide a framework for the arbitration process and cover …

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Arbitrating Employment Disputes 

Arbitrating Employment Disputes 

Employment arbitration statistics show that arbitration is on the rise as a mechanism to resolve employment disputes.  However, this process has received criticism from employees and those who protect them because it can provide an unfair advantage to employers and may remove the rights of employees to use the courts to resolve their dispute.  The …

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What is a Trial by Declaration?

What is a Trial by Declaration?

Today was not starting well. A few minutes late for an early morning meeting, you drive a little faster than usual through a winding bit of road. Out of nowhere, a police motorcycle appears behind you and signaled to you to over.  Mystified, you comply. “Did you know you were speeding?” asks the officer, her …

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