Understanding Labor Arbitration: A Comprehensive Guide

Labor Arbitration

Labor arbitration is a critical aspect of labor relations, as it plays a pivotal role in maintaining harmony within the workplace. This dispute-resolution method offers an alternative to litigation and strikes by providing a platform where labor disputes between employers and employees can be resolved amicably. This comprehensive guide aims to shed light on labor …

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Polarization in Communication: How to Avoid Polarizing Speech

As politics and other issues drive Americans further apart, it is commonplace to see polarization in communication in messaging online and in other sources.  Polarization encourages both those without a position to pick one and those with a position to commit to a more extreme version of the position.  The prevalence of polarization has increasingly …

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Calibrated Questions: What You Need To Know

Calibrated Questions

Calibrated questions are a powerful tool to uncover deep insights and drive meaningful conversations. Invented by Marshall Goldsmith, a world-renowned executive coach, and author, calibrated questions are designed to help people reflect on their own behavior and beliefs. Unlike typical questions, calibrated questions are crafted to be both open-ended and constructed in a way that …

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Famous Negotiations: Insights from History’s Most Influential Deals

Negotiation has played a crucial role in human civilization. From tribes bartering goods to modern businesses striking multi-million-dollar deals to governments avoiding starting world wars, good negotiators have been essential for survival, success, and progress. Throughout history, some famous negotiations have changed the world and made headlines. These transactions have uncovered critical insights into different …

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International Regimes | Better Understand People Across the Globe


What is the concept of international regimes? Let’s dive right in! With the rise of technology and the movement toward globally connected societies, there has been a need for some kind of international organization between countries on infrastructure and resource distribution.  This is where the concept of international regimes finds itself.  The study of international …

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Ineffective Communication Examples (+ Definition & Factors)

Ineffective Communication

One of the best ways to learn about a topic is through examples; ineffective communication is no different. Unfortunately, many people struggle to identify ineffective communication because the examples they have been given are either too obvious, unhelpful, or so specific to a situation that they are not replicable in the real world. Because of …

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Men and Divorce Emotional Stages

Men and Divorce Emotional Stages

Understanding how men move through divorce emotional stages can be helpful, whether you are going through the divorce or supporting someone.  Divorce is a shocking and emotional time for all parties involved, spouses, children, and other family members. Several factors can affect how a person moves through and copes with divorce, including their role in …

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Open-Ended Communication

Open-Ended Communication

What is open-end communication? Not surprisingly, our style of communication affects how others interact with and perceive us, as well as what kind of information we can gather. During any conversation, questions are asked, and answers are given to: Clarify. Obtain information. Bring someone into a conversation. Keep a conversation going Experts on leadership, relationships, …

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Individualist vs. Collectivist Peacemaking

Individualist vs. Collectivist Peacemaking

By Scott C. Van Soye “Blessed are the peacemakers.” We value peacemakers. We may even aspire to be among them. But often we have no firm conception of what it means to “make peace.” Does it mean to cause the cessation of conflict, by whatever means? Or does it refer only to non-violent efforts to …

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