Joy On The History Of Experiential Education

Peter Joy (Washinton University School of Law) has published “The Uneasy History of Experiential Education in U.S. Law Schools,” forthcoming in the Dickinson Law Review and available here. The abstract: This article explores the history of legal education, particularly the rise of experiential learning and its importance.

Pick a Mood, any Mood – Just Pick a Good One

There aren’t many benefits to being in a bad mood, even if that’s your reliable, long-standing default mode. Being in a bad mood can make you less effective, less open to creative solutions, and due to stress, it can affect your health.  Most peoples’ jobs have a degree of stress, some much more than others.

Reading Emotions

In the second Guardians of the Galaxy movie, there is a character named Mantis who has the power to sense the emotional state of anyone she touches. She can’t read their thoughts, but she can read their feelings.

I Apologize For Suggesting It

Mediations and their participants never cease to amaze me. Recently, I mediated a personal injury lawsuit. It should have settled as liability was not an issue.  Defendant was not contesting her fault for making a left turn immediately in front of Plaintiff’s vehicle that was proceeding straight….

DR Faculty Seminar in Israel- Israel’s Military Courts: Adjudicating Alleged (Palestinian) Crime and Terror in the west Bank and Gaza

The conflict over the sacred land in the West Bank, which includes East Jerusalem, in Israel is deeply rooted and profoundly intense.  This region has been under rule by the Turks in the Ottoman Empire (1517- 1917), Britain (1917-48), Jordan (1948-67), and since the Six Day War in 1967, under control by the Israeli army.

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