Mediation Game – Conflict Management in Action

Mediation Game

A mediation game is how a participant in a mediation understands and strategizes during mediation to walk away with a desirable outcome.  This includes understanding the basics of mediation, the different types of mediation, and the training that a mediation participant has had.  In some cases, mediation training can also include actual mediation games played …

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How to Mediate a Conflict: A Detailed Guide

How to Mediate a Conflict

Knowing how to mediate a conflict is an essential skill for everyone in the workplace, as conflict will likely occur at one time or another in your career. Disputes and conflict are common in the workplace, and many employees and managers do not know how to manage conflict. When workplace conflicts are left unchecked, they …

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Mediation vs. Litigation: What is the Difference

mediation vs litigation

When facing a legal dispute, one consideration that has to be made is whether to choose mediation vs litigation to settle it. Alternative dispute resolution such as mediation is less costly but there are many reasons to choose the litigation process. Comparing the two processes will often result in a lot of differences, and the …

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Finding the Best Mediation Jobs Opportunities

Mediation Jobs

You have your certificate, now you’ve started your search for mediation jobs. Where do you start this process? This article will help you understand a mediator’s role and responsibilities, prepare you for the work environment and equal opportunity employer, and give you some tools to make your job search easy and successful. What Training Do …

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EEOC Mediation: Understanding the Process

EEOC Mediation

The EEOC mediation process has helped settle many employment discrimination claims. The EEOC is responsible for investigating and enforcing federal employment discrimination laws, and these investigations or dispute resolutions are called claims.  During this investigation process, the parties can agree to participate in mediation to help resolve the claim quickly. The term “mediation” refers to a …

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Responding to the Types of Workplace Conflict

Types of Workplace conflict

The types of workplace conflict are universal, but the conflict resolution steps vary.  When conflicts arise, these workplace conflicts can result in decreased productivity and interfere with the culture of the team, the general work environment, or the company as a whole. Conflict in the workplace needs to be addressed quickly and efficiently to ensure …

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What is the Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service (FMCS)?

FMCS New Mediator Class of 2019

The Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service (FMCS) is the nation’s largest independent public agency for alternative dispute resolution (ADR) and conflict management, providing mediation and conflict resolution services in the private, public, and federal sectors.

Who Is a Mediator? Their Roles & Duties

Who Is a Mediator

Who is a mediator? A mediator is a neutral third party who facilitates dialogue between conflicting parties to help them reach a resolution. This individual does not impose decisions but rather guides the conversation to enable the disputants to find their own solutions. The mediation process emphasizes collaboration, understanding, and agreement. A mediation session can …

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Facilitator Definition: Legal Terms Explained

Definition of facilitator

The common definition of facilitator is someone who helps a person or groups through an action or process.  For the purpose of dispute resolution, a facilitator usually leads the discussions and helps move the dispute resolution process forward for all the participants involved. Finding an effective facilitator can resolve a dispute with the best possible …

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Meaning of Confrontational in Dispute Resolution

Confrontational meaning

When learning about conflict and dispute resolution, it can be difficult to understand the definition of “confrontational.”  Everyone will have their own idea of what confrontation is and its uses. Some negative, and some positive. Defining the term “confrontational” can be difficult but thinking about the basic characteristics that are present in a confrontational interaction …

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