10 Best Mediation Books of All Time

Best Mediation Books
10 Best Mediation Books of All Time

Mediation is a topic with profound implications. Therefore, it is imperative to understand how the mediation process works and how it can benefit a person’s life. Two loved ones quarreling can be complicated, but even something as simple as two coworkers arguing can be challenging to deal with every day. Hence, learning how to use mediation skills in a person’s life can profoundly affect their everyday life. As a result, one can search for the top ten best mediation books of all time, organized here in October 2020, for your reference.*

Whether you’re a party to a dispute or conflict or a mediator that facilitates negotiations between such parties, the books listed here will provide ample knowledge and mediation skills to become a better negotiator and in turn a masterful mediator.

The Mediation Process

The Mediation Process

Christopher Moore’s The Mediation Process is a professional book designed to teach its reader how to handle conflict management resolution. Both new and experienced mediators should be able to gain sufficient knowledge through reading this insightful book. It includes the art of negotiation and how that can lead a person who wishes to find a solution to relationship problems. This book is a must-have for a new mediator who needs something to read in 2020 for several benefits that may benefit them in life.

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The Promise of Mediation

The Promise of Mediation

Are you interested in the “transformative model” of mediation? The Promise of Mediation by Robert A. Baruch Bush and Joseph P. Folger is an insightful book useful in several mediums of life. A person can apply the knowledge relevant to this book to workplace, family, and public conflicts. The Promise of Mediation is ideal for anybody willing to search for a book that goes more in-depth into theories and their associated practices.

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Bringing Peace Into the Room

Bringing Peace Into the Room

Bringing Peace Into the Room is a book by Daniel Bowling and David Hoffman. Sometimes, novice mediator learns best when they examine the personal traits a professional mediator possesses. This book goes far and beyond practices, for it heavily dives into the experiences of several professional mediators. Considering this book goes into great detail regarding these experiences, it makes it perfect for amateurs seeking to understand the intricacies involved with dispute resolution.

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Mediating Dangerously

Mediating Dangerously

Despite what its name may imply, Mediating Dangerously isn’t dangerous to the user. Instead, this book focuses on risks and how a person should go above and beyond their normal limits involving dispute resolution. As a result, this book is better suited for individuals seeking to push specific boundaries and challenge themselves and others for the sake of mediation. The “dangerous” aspect of this book refers to controversial topics, such as domestic violence, war, and other similarly uncomfortable issues.

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Inside Out

Inside Out

Do you want to read a book about self-reflection and how it can assist you in mediation? Inside Out is a book involving self-awareness and how a mediator can work from the inside out. Through acknowledging specific cues, a person can learn to understand and commit to communicating with the problems within a person. Interestingly, this book is by Gary Friedman, who worked with a Buddhist monk and a law professor to deliver the teachings of their program to the masses.

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The Mediator’s Handbook

The Mediator's Handbook

For those interested in a time-tested and adaptable mediation model, The Mediator’s Handbook is an excellent book for conflict resolution in another scientific setting. Some mediators may want to read a book full of real-life practices used in various mediation settings. For instance, it can guide a user through the conflicts two individuals may have and how one can use it for negotiation tactics. While there are plenty of books similar to this one, this book stands out as one of the highest-rated ones on the market.

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Resolving Conflict at Work

Resolving Conflict at Work

Workplace conflicts can be taxing on a person’s financial prospects. Whether it’s an employer overlooking two employees fighting, or an abuse of power involving a boss and their worker, there is a demand for resolving these conflicts. Resolving Conflict at Work is a book written by Kenneth Cloke and Joan Goldsmith, and is recommended for those who wish to read a book primarily focused on workplace conflicts. Ideally, managers, union representatives, and other authority figures should read this book.

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The Anatomy of Peace

The Anatomy of Peace

Some books focus on the mediation aspect with a relatively dry tone. By comparison, The Anatomy of Peace is a story with mediation undertones. As a result, the reader needs to read between the lines to understand the context of this story altogether. Nonetheless, this book does a superb job of connecting loss in war and how a person can resolve conflict regardless of their origin. Some critical thinking involves how a person may unintendedly exacerbate problems by attempting to fix it, so the reader may want to analyze this book thoroughly (even if it’s a story).

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Resolving Disputes

Resolving Disputes

If a reader is interested in a relatively new book that heavily relies on logic, Resolving Disputes may be an excellent choice for them! Especially in the scenario that they are an aspiring law student, as Resolving Disputes heavily focuses on theory and law. Both theory and law can be connected to their clients, especially as the justice system has many similarities with mediation. If somebody wishes to search for a book to read involving negotiation, conflicts, and other legal troubles, Resolving Disputes is astoundingly a book they should read.

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Mastering Mediation

Mastering Mediation

Mastering Mediation is a book about general mediation strategies. Other books may focus on a specific process or something more niche, but Mastering Mediation has 50 essential tools for mediators to apply to their general work. Negotiation may not always work, so this book may prove instrumental to those who read it and need to know how to get past the stalling phase. Even professional mediators may discover something new if they read this book.

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Appellate Mediation (Bonus)

Appellate Mediation

While not as knowledgeable as the previous ten books, Appellate Mediation is a must-have for aspiring attorneys who wish to read more about legal conflicts and how one can mediate them. Both new and old practitioners should find this book to be appealing and insightful. Trying to resolve disputes between several parties may leave a person looking for a new approach, and Appellate Mediation may provide the answer they want.

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Mark Fotohabadi
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