Divorce Mediation Attorney: How They Can Help

divorce mediation attorney

Individuals starting the mediation process may often hire a divorce mediation attorney to coach and advise them. The traditional divorce process can be overwhelming for a divorcing couple to navigate. Litigated divorce can be expensive as the couple fights over child custody, child and spousal support, and other financial implications through divorce lawyers. For this …

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Divorce Mediation: What You Need to Know

Divorce mediation is an excellent alternative to battling out in court. When divorcing spouses begin separating their lives from one another, they often need to consider many questions and decisions that can be overwhelming, even for the most prepared. The traditional divorce process of court hearings and bickering may not feel worth it for the …

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Negative Reinforcement for Positive Behavior

Negative Reinforcement

Negative reinforcement is a behavioral modification technique that removes a negative stimulus to encourage good behavior. Most of us likely remember the childhood moments when parents would tell us that if we cleaned our rooms, they would stop nagging at us and ask us to do so. This often caused us to clean our room …

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When Does Decision Making Become More Complex?

When Does Decision Making Become More Complex

There are rare instances when decision-making becomes more complex. We make thousands of tiny daily decisions, from what to eat to what to wear or which route to take home from work. Yet some decisions are more complex and involve many other factors that can interfere with our ability to decide. The complex decisions include …

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How To Become a Divorce Mediator: A Brief Guide

How To Become a Divorce Mediator

Even under the best circumstances, ending a marriage is an emotional and overwhelming experience; for those interested in helping others during this life-altering event, learning how to become a divorce mediator may be the right career path. Divorce is an ever-constant reality in our society, which is why when people think about mediation, most of …

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Mediation Opening Statement: A Full Checklist

A Checklist for Mediation Opening Statements

Opening statements in mediation set the tone for the rest of the process. They open the mediation and begin the conciliatory process. The mediator and parties can set the stage for what they hope to accomplish and how they see the issues. Preparing can feel overwhelming because opening statements hold so much power for everyone involved. Having …

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Empathic Vs. Empathetic: A Dive into Emotional Understanding

Empathic Vs. Empathetic

Empathic vs. empathetic are terms used interchangeably to describe someone who can feel someone else’s emotions. With its vastness and complexity, the English language often presents us with words that sound similar yet carry distinct meanings. One such pair is empathic and empathetic. While they may sound interchangeable and have similar meanings, there are subtle …

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A Guide to Accommodating Conflict Style

accommodating conflict style

The accommodating conflict management style is one of the many ways to deal with conflict. When people approach conflict or conflict management, they typically choose one of five negotiation styles to handle the conflict—competing, compromising, collaborating, avoiding, and accommodating. These conflict management styles describe how a person can think about, negotiate, and resolve a problem. …

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