What is Interest-Based Negotiation?

Interest-Based Negotiation

When the parties use interest-based negotiation, they often reach an agreement that all of them are content with walking away from the table. This is because they focus on identifying interests and creating value for each other as they negotiate. This article will outline the technique of conflict resolution, how it is used, and why …

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Understanding The Role of a Family Mediator

Family Mediator

A family mediator plays a vital role in helping families settle disputes outside of a formal legal setting. Family disputes and divorce are often difficult for couples and other family members to navigate. The family dynamics and relationships can make conflict resolution a daunting or seemingly impossible task. Having a conversation with the other party …

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How to Start Mediation The Right Way

How to Start Mediation

The best mediators know how to start mediation in the best way for the particular individual. As mediation has grown in popularity, you have likely heard the benefits of solving problems through the process. Once you’ve understood how helpful mediation can be for conflict resolution, you will probably consider using it for your next conflict. …

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What Happens in Mediation? How the Process Works

What Happens in Mediation

What happens in mediation? Mediation has become a vital part of the conflict resolution system, yet many people have not experienced mediation, nor do they understand the process. This can cause people to decide not to participate or have many reservations about it. It can also feel overwhelming because the people involved may not know …

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Mediator vs Lawyer: Finding the Best Fit

Mediator vs Lawyer

One of the biggest confusions is whether hiring a divorce mediator or lawyer is the best option. While this decision is just the beginning of the process, understanding the options and making the right call can impact the outcome for everyone involved. This article will explore the roles of divorce attorneys and mediators to help …

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How Long After Mediation Will I Get My Money?

How Long After Mediation Will I Get My Money

How long after mediation will I get my money? A mediation session can feel overwhelming, but once you reach the agreement, it can feel as though a weight has been lifted off your shoulders, whether you are arguing your personal injury case with an insurance company to cover medical bills or hoping to have more …

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Compromise Conflict Style: At A Glance

Compromise Conflict Style

The compromise conflict style allows the parties to find a way to resolve conflicts adequately and move forward. Dealing with conflict is a part of daily life for everyone. Conflict arises in the home, workplace, or social settings in even the most healthy relationships. Maintaining harmony can be difficult when multiple parties work together on …

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