How Long After Mediation Can You Go To Court

How Long After Mediation Can You Go To Court

Understanding the aftermath of the mediation process, mediation results, and how long after mediation you can go to court is a vital step in deciding the ADR route. By now, you have likely encountered the mediation process somehow, either by personal experience or its recent rise in alternative dispute resolution circles. Mediation allows the parties …

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Court ordered mediation – All you need to know

Court ordered mediation - All you need to know

Learning all you need to know about a court-ordered mediation can feel like a daunting task.  When a court orders the parties in a family law case to mediation, there are often many questions on what the process will look like and whether the parties will be punished for failing to settle in mediation.  Family …

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Power Imbalance: How Factoring in Power Works

Imbalance of Power

The factors that contribute to power imbalance are often complex and difficult to notice daily, but over time, they contribute to an unhealthy dynamic if they are not addressed.  Imbalances of power can be found in every relationship, from our most vulnerable and trusted relationships with partners and best friends to workplaces or even in …

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Average Settlement Offers During Mediation

Average settlement offers during mediation

Average settlement offers during mediation are essential when a party considers using mediation to settle a lawsuit. Combining this knowledge with other tips and tricks for settling a lawsuit through mediation can ensure that a party is prepared to tackle a mediation during a civil lawsuit and achieve the best possible outcome. Having a researched …

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What is Business Litigation?

business litigation

Business litigation involves presenting issues with business and corporate entities to the courts and arguing on behalf of business entities in court. A variety of topics may be the subject of business litigation, and many business litigation lawyers are experts in one of these areas. These litigation disputes can be incredibly complex and take time …

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What is a Contingent Contract? The Pros & Cons

What is a Contingent Contract?

A contingent contract may sound like an oxymoron, as the finality of contracts is often emphasized. Still, the flexibility of negotiating contingent agreements can help keep a contract intact, even if the parties’ position changes. Negotiating the terms of a contract can be difficult, and when the parties cannot reach an agreement because of something …

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Complex vs Complicated: Understanding the Differences

Complex vs Complicated

Facing a “complex vs complicated” situation involves untangling threads of chaos, like predicting weather patterns, whereas solving a ‘complicated’ problem is akin to disassembling and reassembling a complex mechanism with patience and skill.  This precision in language matters: each requires a distinct approach to navigate successfully. This article differentiates between ‘complex’ and ‘complicated’ scenarios and …

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How Do Lawyers Negotiate Settlements: A Guide

How Do Lawyers Negotiate Settlements

You may be wondering what goes into the settlement process and just how lawyers negotiate settlements. When you are harmed by someone else’s negligence, like in a car accident, you may decide to seek compensation through a personal injury claim. While the litigation process can bring just compensation and help you resolve an insurance claim, …

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Implied Contracts: What You Need to Know

Implied Contracts

An implied contract is typically not explained or considered until there is an issue with the agreement that the implied contract is responsible for upholding. Such contracts are actions or behaviors on the part of the parties that demonstrate a mutual agreement between the parties, even if it is not spoken.  These contracts are compared …

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