Can Text Messages be Used in Court? A Close Look

Can Text Messages be Used in Court?

Can text messages be used in court as evidence? More documents are created electronically than in any other fashion.  Electronic devices are everywhere. Office computers, personal computers, laptops, tablets, phones, personal electronic assistants, video doorbells, and even some cars, televisions, and refrigerators can generate, transmit, and store numerous amounts of data, including text messages.  Many …

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Mediation Opening Statement: A Full Checklist

A Checklist for Mediation Opening Statements

Opening statements in mediation set the tone for the rest of the process. They open the mediation and begin the conciliatory process. The mediator and parties can set the stage for what they hope to accomplish and how they see the issues. Preparing can feel overwhelming because opening statements hold so much power for everyone involved. Having …

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Justice vs. Fairness: Analyzing the Differences

Justice vs. Fairness

Justice and fairness have been at the forefront of our minds this year in the United States. The country has been facing increased calls for justice and fairness for all Americans, regardless of the color of their skin or other characteristics. As the year has continued, many people have had to shift their ideas of …

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What Is a Paralegal? An Overview of the Role

What Is a Paralegal

What is a paralegal? In the intricate world of law, numerous roles coalesce to facilitate the seamless functioning of law firms. One such indispensable role is that of a paralegal. These legal assistants are vital to the daily operations of any law office. This comprehensive blog post will explain what it means to be a …

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Court Ordered Mediation: What You Should Know

Court ordered mediation - All you need to know

Learning all you need to know about a court-ordered mediation can feel daunting.  When a court orders the parties in a family law case to mediation, there are often many questions about the process and whether the parties will be punished for failing to settle.  Family law frequently involves high emotions, and mediation can feel …

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What Happens After An Appeal Is Granted?

What Happens After An Appeal Is Granted?

What happens after an appeal is granted? Your appeal was successful. Now what? You have been fighting with your former business partner for over five years, which has taken much time, money, and energy. You were shocked when the trial court ruled against you. It was difficult to decide to commit further resources to an …

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How Long Does Arbitration Take? A Closer Look

How long does arbitration take

Because arbitration is often touted as a cheaper and quicker resolution compared to litigation, curious minds may wonder how long arbitration takes.  While many proponents of arbitration state that it often moves more quickly than litigation, critics state that it can be just as long as traditional litigation in the court system.  While this may …

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Demand for Arbitration: What You Should Know

Demand for Arbitration

When a party wants to begin the arbitration process, they usually create and send a demand for arbitration. A demand for arbitration will start the process as the parties have agreed upon. Those on the receiving end may or may not understand what the process means, but they will quickly be immersed in the world of …

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Disadvantages of Arbitration: A Closer Look

Disadvantages of Arbitration

Arbitration proceedings are often touted as a fantastic alternative to resolving legal disputes; however, there are disadvantages to arbitration that can make it the wrong choice for a dispute for various reasons. Understanding how arbitration may not fit a situation or case can help parties make the best decision regarding the dispute resolution mechanisms.  It …

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Claims and Counterclaims Examples

Understanding Counterclaims Examples

Exploring examples of counterclaims can be beneficial in helping a party understand what issues they can raise against someone who has brought a civil lawsuit against them and how they may try and recover against the same party.  It can also help a party understand when they may have to bring the counterclaim at that …

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