Dispute Resolution Continuum

ADR Continuum - ADR Times

­­ We are all involved in conflicts every day, ranging from when our kids are going to bed or what movie to see. Our conflicts highlight our needs and desires and reflect those of others. To be conflict-free is to be isolated. Of course conflict outcomes matter, but our methods of resolution do too. What …

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Five Stages of Mediation – Introduction

An Introduction to The Five Stages of Mediation

What are the 5 stages of mediation? Let’s take a look. Jim and John had been successful design partners for six years. The business had grown from the two of them to twelve engineers. Now Jim wanted to accept an acquisition offer, but John wanted to expand while they could buy new buildings cheaply.  If …

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7 Tips to Victory in High-Stakes Negotiations

High-Stakes Negotiations

High-stakes negotiations are also often high-stress situations for those who stand to profit from the negotiation.  A large portion of professionals and employees in the United States are not comfortable in negotiations and lack the confidence to negotiate effectively.  This lack of confidence can impact negotiations as the participants may hold back or feel as …

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The Simple Act of Kindness in Mediation

Last weekend was Father’s Day and I took note of two stories that seemed useful in mediation. The first, was on CBS Sunday Morning where the editorial piece reflected upon how student athletes, from Little League through College, end each game, however hard fought, with a handshake and a “high five”. 

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