Arbitration Pros and Cons You Need to Know

Arbitration Pros and Cons

Like all alternative dispute resolution methods, arbitration pros and cons must be highlighted and evaluated. While arbitration has many benefits that make it the best choice in various cases, occasionally, disadvantages may make parties consider other dispute resolution options. This article will explore the advantages of arbitration when it is used to resolve legal disputes. After …

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What is Business Litigation?

business litigation

Business litigation involves presenting issues with business and corporate entities to the courts and arguing on behalf of business entities in court. A variety of topics may be the subject of business litigation, and many business litigation lawyers are experts in one of these areas. These litigation disputes can be incredibly complex and take time …

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How Do Lawyers Negotiate Settlements: A Guide

How Do Lawyers Negotiate Settlements

You may be wondering what goes into the settlement process and just how lawyers negotiate settlements. When you are harmed by someone else’s negligence, like in a car accident, you may decide to seek compensation through a personal injury claim. While the litigation process can bring just compensation and help you resolve an insurance claim, …

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Mediation vs. Litigation: What is the Difference

mediation vs litigation

When facing a legal dispute, one consideration that has to be made is whether to choose mediation vs litigation to settle it. Alternative dispute resolution such as mediation is less costly but there are many reasons to choose the litigation process. Comparing the two processes will often result in a lot of differences, and the …

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How Does Arbitration Work: Process Overview

How Arbitration Works

In order to correctly answer the question “How does arbitration work?”, we need to understand the context behind the dispute. Arbitration is an adjudicatory alternative dispute resolution (ADR) process, in which the parties agree to have a neutral third party or parties decide the outcome of a dispute. The Federal Arbitration Act (FAA) was enacted …

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Real Estate Arbitration: A Quick Guide

Real Estate Arbitration

How to prepare for a real estate arbitration? When problems arise in buying or selling real estate, many participants have started to turn to real estate arbitration and mediation.  Buying and selling real estate is a big decision, whether it is a family home or a giant corporate center.  Negotiating and agreeing on a price …

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AAA Employment Arbitration Rules: An Overview

AAA Employment Arbitration Rules

AAA Employment arbitration rules and mediation have been a hot topic for decades regarding the enforceability and fairness of the pre-dispute arbitration clauses in the employment context. The issue is of huge practical importance because, depending on which study one believes, between twenty and forty percent of American workers are covered by such “mandatory” clauses. …

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Understanding the Federal Arbitration Act: United States Code Title 9

Federal Arbitration Act

The Federal Arbitration Act is the foundational law relating to enforcing arbitration agreements within the United States. Those practicing domestic or international commercial arbitration will likely be very familiar with its requirements for enforcement, yet many challenges arise under the Federal Arbitration Act, both in understanding and legal challenges. For some, the text is difficult …

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Pre-Arbitration Process Explained

What is pre-arbitration? How does pre-arbitration affect the chargeback process? And what does the pre-arbitration process look like? This blog will explain how pre-arbitration works, when it’s used, and how pre-arbitration into the larger picture of the chargeback procedure. For starters, pre-arbitration is a step in the re-presentment process of challenging a consumer’s chargeback case. …

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Texas Arbitration Act Explained

Texas Arbitration Act

The Texas Arbitration Act is the governing law over arbitrations occurring in Texas.  The Act covers most aspects of the arbitration procedure and aims to ensure that arbitrations are conducted fairly within the state.  While it has existed in some form for quite some time, it has been shifted and amended to fit the demands …

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