Justice vs. Fairness: Analyzing the Differences

Justice vs. Fairness

Justice and fairness have been at the forefront of our minds this year in the United States. The country has been facing increased calls for justice and fairness for all Americans, regardless of the color of their skin or other characteristics. As the year has continued, many people have had to shift their ideas of …

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A Notice of Arbitration: What You Should Know

Arbitration Notice

The first step in arbitration is generally serving the parties (and filing with the arbitration provider) a Notice of Arbitration. However, depending on the provisions of the contractual arbitration clause, the applicable arbitration rules, or legal authority, another document, such as a Notice of Appointment of Arbitrator(s), may begin the arbitration proceedings. But what must …

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Mediation Tips and Tricks: Top 5 Tips

Mediation Tips and Tricks

Are you looking for mediation tips and tricks that work? America has a well-deserved reputation as the most litigious society in the world. Culturally, there is a significant focus on vindicating rights, winning, and competition as ends in themselves. While involvement in litigation is viewed as shameful in some societies, Americans generally view it as …

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Binding Mediation: An Affordable ADR Option

Binding mediation combines elements of mediation and arbitration to help parties resolve disputes effectively and efficiently. It is often called mediation arbitration or med-arb. In this process, the parties agree to submit the dispute to mediation. Still, if an agreement cannot be reached, the mediator becomes an arbitrator, issues a decision on damages, and binds the …

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How Long Does Arbitration Take? A Closer Look

How long does arbitration take

Because arbitration is often touted as a cheaper and quicker resolution compared to litigation, curious minds may wonder how long arbitration takes.  While many proponents of arbitration state that it often moves more quickly than litigation, critics state that it can be just as long as traditional litigation in the court system.  While this may …

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Demand for Arbitration: What You Should Know

Demand for Arbitration

When a party wants to begin the arbitration process, they usually create and send a demand for arbitration. A demand for arbitration will start the process as the parties have agreed upon. Those on the receiving end may or may not understand what the process means, but they will quickly be immersed in the world of …

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Commercial Dispute Resolution: A Guide

Commercial Dispute Resolution

Commercial dispute resolution is a highly skilled and nuanced method to resolve disputes within and between businesses.  It can be beneficial for companies that want to settle disputes quickly and effectively without going through litigation and dealing with all the associated costs.  It also allows companies to continue to retain their relationships with other businesses …

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Mediation vs Arbitration: What is the Difference

Mediation vs Arbitration

Mediation and arbitration are found within the alternative dispute resolution sphere because they offer ways to resolve disputes outside the traditional litigation process.  However, the procedures are very different.  Each system presents its benefits and challenges, and neither system is truly superior to the other.  Understanding how and when to use each process is vital …

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How Long After Mediation Can You Go To Court

How Long After Mediation Can You Go To Court

Understanding the aftermath of the mediation process, mediation results, and how long after mediation you can go to court is a vital step in deciding the ADR route. By now, you have likely encountered the mediation process somehow, either by personal experience or its recent rise in alternative dispute resolution circles. Mediation allows the parties …

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Morton’s Resolution Model: Conflict is Good

Morton’s Resolution Model

The idea that conflict will have either constructive or destructive results is the main thesis behind Morton Deutch’s The Resolution of Conflict. Deutch’s 1973 work paved the way for much further sociological and psychological research on the effects of conflict and how it can influence our lives. Understanding this model can be key to working with …

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