Understanding the Business Litigation Process

business litigation

Business litigation involves presenting issues with business and corporate entities to the courts and arguing for business entities in court. Various topics may be the subject of business litigation, and many business litigation lawyers are experts in one of these areas. These litigation disputes can be incredibly complex and take time to complete. Understanding business …

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Demand for Arbitration: What You Should Know

Demand for Arbitration

When a party wants to begin the arbitration process, they usually create and send a demand for arbitration. A demand for arbitration will start the process as the parties have agreed upon. Those on the receiving end may or may not understand what the process means, but they will quickly be immersed in the world of …

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7 Proven Steps for Drafting A Mediation Brief

Mediation briefs

Attorneys receive lots of training and spend countless hours practicing to prepare winning appellate briefs, arguments, and summary judgment motions. With that said, it’s important to also focus on mediation brief. Unfortunately, mediation briefs are either overlooked, prepared at the last minute, or both. However, mediation briefs have much more of an influence on the mediation process than you might think.

Mediation vs Arbitration: What is the Difference

Mediation vs Arbitration

Mediation and arbitration are found within the alternative dispute resolution sphere because they offer ways to resolve disputes outside the traditional litigation process.  However, the procedures are very different.  Each system presents its benefits and challenges, and neither system is truly superior to the other.  Understanding how and when to use each process is vital …

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Separation Mediation: A Detailed Guide

Separation Mediation

When parties are considering using mediation to help them separate effectively, they may wonder how to prepare for separation mediation effectively.  For some, they may not even know what mediation entails, and they will have no idea how mediation will work for them.  Mediation is a commonly used practice, especially in family law matters, yet …

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Bird Nesting Divorce: The Shuttle Parenting

Bird Nesting Divorce

Bird nesting divorce is a way that couples have sought to lessen the effects of divorce on their children.  Divorce is often a time of stress and change for both the couple and their children.  Often one of the changes that the couple needs to grow into is the separate living situations, which can often …

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How to Detect & Prevent Corporate Espionage

Corporate Espionage

Corporate espionage is defined as stealing proprietary information, trade secrets, or intellectual property from a business and selling it to another. When we think of spies and espionage, we do not immediately think of a disgruntled worker selling the formula for a product to another company. However, this form of espionage is one of the …

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Mediation vs. Litigation: What is the Difference

mediation vs litigation

When facing a legal dispute, one consideration that has to be made is whether to choose mediation vs litigation to settle it. Alternative dispute resolution such as mediation is less costly but there are many reasons to choose the litigation process. Comparing the two processes will often result in a lot of differences, and the …

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Responding to the Types of Workplace Conflict

Types of Workplace conflict

The types of workplace conflict are universal, but the conflict resolution steps vary.  When conflicts arise, these workplace conflicts can result in decreased productivity and interfere with the culture of the team, the general work environment, or the company as a whole. Conflict in the workplace needs to be addressed quickly and efficiently to ensure …

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Defining Partiality: Recognize it When You See it

Defining Partiality

How can we truly go about defining partiality? Partiality is the unfair bias that we display for ourselves and other people with whom we stand in some personal relationships. It still remains a central theme in philosophy, as well as in practice, particularly the legal practice. Within the alternative dispute resolution sphere, the word partiality, …

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