Justice vs. Fairness: Analyzing the Differences

Justice vs. Fairness

Justice and fairness have been at the forefront of our minds this year in the United States. The country has been facing increased calls for justice and fairness for all Americans, regardless of the color of their skin or other characteristics. As the year has continued, many people have had to shift their ideas of …

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What Happens After An Appeal Is Granted?

What Happens After An Appeal Is Granted?

What happens after an appeal is granted? Your appeal was successful. Now what? You have been fighting with your former business partner for over five years, which has taken much time, money, and energy. You were shocked when the trial court ruled against you. It was difficult to decide to commit further resources to an …

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Emancipation in California: What You Need to Know

Emancipation in California

Emancipation in California is done through a comprehensive step-by-step process. In this article, we will describe the ways a minor can ask the courts to become legally emancipated and the ways that automatically grant a declaration of emancipation. What is the Emancipation of a Minor? Emancipation of a minor (CA Fam Code section 7002) refers …

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Bird Nesting Divorce: The Shuttle Parenting

Bird Nesting Divorce

Bird nesting divorce is a way that couples have sought to lessen the effects of divorce on their children.  Divorce is often a time of stress and change for both the couple and their children.  Often one of the changes that the couple needs to grow into is the separate living situations, which can often …

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Emotional Abuse in the Workplace

Emotional abuse in the workplace

Emotional abuse in the workplace is a phenomenon that affects many workers around the world.  For those suffering from workplace abuse, life can become incredibly difficult or impossible, turning dream jobs into nightmares. Psychological abuse can be vicious because it can be difficult to detect if it is not blatant, much like adults may not understand …

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Siege Mentality: An In-Depth Look

Siege Mentality

The siege mentality has become more apparent and more discussed as of late with the current political climate in the United States and many other countries. Understanding what siege mentality is, what causes siege mentality, and its effects on a personal and societal level can be beneficial for anyone trying to navigate life as we …

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Divorce Mediation Cost – Ultimate Guide

divorce mediation cost

It is important to understand divorce mediation costs when considering divorce mediation.  The divorce mediation process can be difficult and confusing and one that you pay a lot for. Divorce mediation costs are important to understand and consider, especially because divorce mediation is often presented as the cheaper option. This is not always the case. …

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What is an Amicable Divorce?

Amicable Divorce

What is an amicable divorce? When a divorce process is inevitable, a couple may begin to evaluate their options to resolve their divorce inexpensively and as cooperatively as possible. This question will especially crop up when the parties are on good terms with one another but must separate their lives. An amicable divorce process may seem …

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How to Ask for a Divorce? The Definitive Guide

How to ask for a divorce

While all parts of the divorce process can be complex, asking your spouse to initiate a divorce can be one of the most challenging parts of the process. Learning how to ask for a divorce can be daunting when one spouse has decided that separation is the best thing for the family. Even when divorce …

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