Justice vs. Fairness: Analyzing the Differences

Justice vs. Fairness

Justice and fairness have been at the forefront of our minds this year in the United States. The country has been facing increased calls for justice and fairness for all Americans, regardless of the color of their skin or other characteristics. As the year has continued, many people have had to shift their ideas of …

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What Are the Four Legal Reasons for Impeachment?

What Are the Four Legal Reasons for Impeachment

There are four legal reasons for impeachment. Impeachment is the political process by which a legislative body levels charges against a government official. It is a formal process that begins with an accusation, or impeachment, against the official and can ultimately lead to their removal from office if found guilty. In the United States, the …

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Understanding the Federal Arbitration Act: United States Code Title 9

Federal Arbitration Act

The Federal Arbitration Act is the foundational law relating to enforcing arbitration agreements within the United States. Those practicing domestic or international commercial arbitration will likely be very familiar with its requirements for enforcement, yet many challenges arise under the Federal Arbitration Act, both in understanding and legal challenges. For some, the text is difficult …

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Texas Arbitration Act Explained

Texas Arbitration Act

The Texas Arbitration Act is the governing law over arbitrations occurring in Texas.  The Act covers most aspects of the arbitration procedure and aims to ensure that arbitrations are conducted fairly within the state.  While it has existed in some form for quite some time, it has been shifted and amended to fit the demands …

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The WARN Act: California Layoff Notice

California Warn Act

Mass layoffs are regulated by state and federal governments, in California, this is known as the California WARN Act, and the federal equivalent is known as the Federal WARN Act. In recent years, companies worldwide have been participating in mass layoffs and furloughing many employees. Because a mass layoff is always a possibility for workers, …

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Understanding Labor Arbitration: A Comprehensive Guide

Labor Arbitration

Labor arbitration is a critical aspect of labor relations, as it plays a pivotal role in maintaining harmony within the workplace. This dispute-resolution method offers an alternative to litigation and strikes by providing a platform where labor disputes between employers and employees can be resolved amicably. This comprehensive guide aims to shed light on labor …

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Confusing Dispute Resolution Jargon

Confusing Dispute Resolution Jargon

In response to my question, “Do you use “BATNA” wrong?,” I plead guilty with an explanation. With the patient teaching of my friends, Hiro Aragaki and Sanda Kaufman, I have come to see the error of my ways. I was concerned because BATNA – the Best Alternative to a Negotiated Agreement – has become part of the vernacular, …

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Association for Conflict Resolution 2011 Peacemaker Award

In 2011, the late Tim Pownall on behalf of the PACIS project in faith-based diplomacy accepted the 2011 Peacemaker Award given each year by the Association for Conflict Resolution. The Association for Conflict Resolution (ACR) is an organization committed to awareness of conflict resolution in the public. ACR’s vision is that “All people know their …

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Passing of the Torch RBG – Who Will Dissent?

Passing of the Torch Ginsberg

On Friday, September 18, Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg passed away at age 87 (1933-2020). I was still working (remotely) when I heard the news. The group texts began to slowly roll in. The news alerts started popping up on my phone. A friend called and we commemorated the life of “Notorious RBG” and …

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Mall Smoothie Does Not Bind Teenager To Mom’s Arbitration Agreement With Credit Card

With respect to whether the daughter was bound by the plain language of the arbitration agreement, the Court had no trouble concluding she was not.   The arbitration agreement specifically applied to claims made by authorized users of the account.  

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